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Why Sponsor our program and STEM Education?

Our robotics program offers students the opportunity for real world, hands on experiential learning. Participants must think creatively while they look for innovative ways to solve the challenges of the VEX season. Throughout the entire engineering design process they are developing skills to become the leaders of tomorrow. 



What will sponsorship money go towards?

All money raised through sponsors will go to supporting our club side of operations that competes in the provincial VEX VRC League. All expenses for the LDCSB league are funded through student registration fees.


Our main expenses for the VEX VRC League include:


Initial team registration fees as well as entry fees per team for each individual competition we attend.


Various new elements specific to the new season's challenge such as wheels, pneumatic systems, grips, etc. The majority of parts we have for the robots we are able to use annually


Transportation of our robots, tools, extra parts and of course team members to each competition can at times be a challenge, one day we would like to have a trailer for all out of town competitions. 


As mentioned on our 'about' page, one of our goals each year is to qualify for the world championships. If we are able to do so this will come with a significant financial component to cover travel expenses for all team members.

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How will we show the world your generosity?

To say thank you for all the generosity of our sponsors we will proudly display all sponsors on our website and social media page, as well as on the backs of our team shirts. We are looking for donations of any size and will increase the size of the company name or logo on our shirts with all larger donations. 



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Thank you for your consideration in supporting local London teens in their pursuit of knowledge and dreams of becoming World Champions!
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